August 2007

September 2007

Living Room
December 2007
Future Items (ie: everything else!):
- Kitchen and back hallway (paint, possibly replace back door)
- Entrance, stairs, and upstairs hallway (redo stairs in hardwood, remove wallpaper, paint, replace window, replace doors)
- Office (laminate slate flooring (already have it), replace curtains with blinds, remove wallpaper, paint, replace doors)
- Upstairs bathroom (gut it, and replace everything (cabinet, sink, mirror, fixtures, toilet, storage, tub (jacuzzi), possible remodel and expansion, replace door)
- Basement Gym (replace carpet with durable flooring, replace built in shelving with modular, remove wood panelling, redo lighting fixtures, paint)
- Attached Garage (create gardening/planting area, redo storage solution, tool corral, new steel garage door)
- Guest room (laminate or real prefinished hardwood flooring (haven't decided yet), replace curtains with blinds, remove wallpaper, paint, new furniture, replace doors)
- Master Bedroom (laminate or real prefinished hardwood flooring (haven't decided yet), replace curtains with blinds, remove wallpaper, paint, replace window (picture plus two casement), possibly remodel/resize closet (to incorporate uninsulated storage area, and give more space to bathroom), replace doors, new fixtures, new furniture)
- Kitchen dreams... (gut it and replace everything (cabinets, counters, sinks, fixtures, flooring (cork?, tile?), replace patio door with garden door, possibly expand/open up, possibly create an island)
- Basement sewing/storage room (replace curtain with blinds, paint, replace carpet with hard flooring)
- Basement bathroom (replace cabinet/sink, redo shower door, paint, possibly redo flooring)
- Laundry room (create storage/shelving solution, paint, possibly redo flooring)
- Basement hallway (replace carpet with hard flooring, redo shelving in storage closet, replace doors)
- Exterior (replace vinyl siding with some non-peach colour - UGH!, redo eavestroughs and drainage, replace wood soffits and fascia with aluminum, replace basement windows and wells)